Monthly Archives: February 2010


I am so glad to be back In Anchorage, Alaska, writing about my paintings and the fun that they bring into my life.  My biggest new project that I completed is the Art Geocaching project.  In this project I painted along my tandem bicycle tour down the West Coast. The most fun part of this painting project was taking GPS coordinates when hiding the paintings nearby their creation location.  Now I am offering the coordinates to people who would like to commence the treasure hunt to find these hidden paintings on  They are conveniently located up and down the West Coast of the United States.  I only ask that if the painting is removed from the location a small donation should be made to the artist.  From this donation a percentage will be donated to the State Parks in California. They are experiencing financial difficulties and I feel that it is imperative that we keep these American treasures open to the travelers who need an affordable place to sleep. I had a ton of fun creating this project and I hope you have as much fun in the treasure hunting.  Happy ArtGeocaching!

pacific coast oil painting

I was channeling the late artist James A. Shepard, a true Creactor.

Abstract Red Swirls Painting

shelter cove light house painting

The painting above of the Light House in Shelter Cove inspired my Dad to write this poem.

Lighthouse Sonnet

Young lad, you be wrong still,
Said the salty sailor, freckled but pale,
The lighthouse upon yonder hill
Is truly a woman in travail.

Grace can not be a cacophonic cock
But a sacrificial mother delivering a knave in pain
Whilst fears of a watery grave amongst the rocks
Bring her cries, penetrating the stormy rain.

Only an Eagle Mother can call the family home
To her feathered bed, dry and secure
Her nest is surely a more supportive bosom
Than broken rocks offshore.

Let men sail to fish and war and count the score
Without yonder lighthouse tomorrow is no more.