Monthly Archives: October 2019

What Did You Want to Be When You Grow Up?

Ask any kid, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” and the kid almost always has a quick answer.  This is not something they need to think about, they just know… with certainty.  I still remember what my answer was.  I wanted to make pizza and sell it out of a truck.  So, like an ice cream truck, but for pizza.  I also thought I could make a fortune selling chocolate chip cookies using my Grandmother’s recipe — she makes really good cookies!  Somehow as I grew up, I forgot about my aspirations.  One thing lead to another, and I studied art all the way through college, and now I work as an artist — a dream job for many kids, I bet.  Maria says she wanted to be a candy salesperson.  So, what did you want to be, and what did you end up becoming?

If this whole artist thing doesn’t work out, I can go back to my original plan to sell pizza from a truck.