Monthly Archives: April 2010

Truck and Fairbanks Park

chevy truck painting


Snowy park in Anchorage winter painting


The other day I was thinking that it would be nice to do a painting to commemorate the area where I live, the Southeast quadrant of Downtown Anchorage, specifically 11th and Eagle Street.  I painted the first painting of my pickup truck and building.  I was pretty happy because I was able in my painting to fix the damage I had done last summer when I was building the road into my lot in McCarthy, Alaska.  It was pretty funny because my wife had some concerns about me working out in the middle of the National Park without any supervision and although she had sent one of her best friends to keep an eye on me I still managed to crash the truck into a tree on the initial run down the driveway.  Oops… and even with a reliable spotter telling me okay very good, keep backing up… wait you are going to fast!  Oops now you are hitting a TREE!  So I fixed the dent in the painting and now we all won’t have to remember the horrible accident and broken mirror for all of eternity.  I really do love my truck and we just spent a bunch of money getting that door working smoothly again, although the dent still remains!

As for the second painting I decided to head a block down the road to Fairbanks Park, that is lovingly referred to as the Ghetto Park.  It has been on a very nice upswing ever since the city encompassed it with a large fence, prior to which, it was a den for the transient drinking population trying to make it from the Chester Creek Green Belt to the lively Anchorage bar scene.  Now the fence makes it nearly impossible to cross, especially if inebriated.  I figured I would hang out in the newly freed up space and get a glimpse of what this group of people had used as their private deck for a while.  I realized when the painting was completed it isn’t anything to write home about, just a bunch of power lines and trees blocking the good view anyhow…

A Day with “The High One”

denali mt mckinley alaska painting


denali mt mckinley alaska painting


denali mt mckinley alaska painting

It was a fun little excursion to Talkeetna yesterday, finally making it out of Anchorage around noon.  Stopping to pick up our friend Dani, and for some espresso, we made it to Talkeetna around 3:00 in the afternoon.  We, of course, made it to the Denali Brewery and were surprised to find very good craft brew!  We took our booty down to the River and sat around a makeshift fire for several hours taking in the view.  Here is what came of the painting effort.  Too bad I started to run out of white on the third one who would think there would be so much white in  Alaskan winter!  At least I am finally outside again and painting!

Visit to Eagle River Nature Trail

Alaska winter oil painting

This painting was done on April 5th, 2010 along the frozen Eagle River in Alaska.  Only fifteen minutes away from Anchorage, Eagle River is an interesting little place to spend the day.  Especially if you head up the mountain valley to the Eagle River nature center.  I decided to take a break from the humdrum bore of the town and headed out on an adventure to do a little plein air painting, even though it was pretty cloudy and bleak outside, it was above freezing allowing me to actually work outside! I hope you enjoy this little painting.