Tag Archives: gift for Alaskan beer drinker

Thirsty Thursday Beer Painting #61, February 25, 2016, Rondy Brew by Anchorage Brewing Co.

Grab your Rondy pin, don your winter boots, put on that crazy fox-face fur hat that has been sitting in your closet all year, because it’s time to RONDY!  That means a carnival on 3rd Avenue, directly across the street from my studio, a craft fair in the hallways here, dog races in front of the building both weekends, and the annual running of the reindeer.  Not to mention other odd events in the immediate area like snowshoe softball (may have to be studded shoes softball this year due to lack of snow), and the outhouse races! 

The annual Rondy Brew by Anchorage Brewing Co. is fabulous this year!  Brewed with Motueka hops and aged in fouders with Hibiscus and Brettanamyces.  The brew is a lovely rose color right now, but I bet that will fade with aging.  I am sure the traditional Saison flavor will increase if you cellar it, and the pink will possibly drop out into a sediment layer.  It is a tart, refreshing, floral brew right now.  I absolutely love it!  The Motueka Hops blend with the Hibiscus to produce a refreshing flavor that won’t shut down your Rondy groove, because the beer is only 6% ABV. 

The studio will be open from 11 AM – 6 PM all weekend, starting on Friday.  Come check out the view of the ferris wheel out my window, and peruse the large selection of prints, paintings and art cards.  If it’s not too busy, I can make a print of any painting that’s at my Etsy Shop.  I am also offering a free poster with any $20 purchase.  333 W 4th Avenue, Suite 4.

Cheers to another fabulous Rondy Brew! 

Thirsty Thursday Beer Painting #61 by Scott Clendaniel. February 25, 2016. Rondy Brew by Anchorage Brewing Co. 11"x14", oil on panel.

Thirsty Thursday Beer Painting #61 by Scott Clendaniel. February 25, 2016. Rondy Brew by Anchorage Brewing Co. 11″x14″, oil on panel.