Tag Archives: Beer gift for girlfriend

Thirsty Thursday Beer Painting #64, March 17, 2016

Claude Monet, considered the father of Impressionism, painted during his epic life span of 86 years, completing his famous Japanese garden paintings at the peak of his career between 1897-99.  Monet moved to Giverny, near Paris in 1883, and bought the adjacent plot of land from his home in 1893.  He transformed that lot into a beautiful Asia-inspired garden with exotic plants and an arched bridge.  This garden was the inspiration for the piece I sampled for this week’s Thirsty Thursday beer painting.  Monet is an inspiration to me for his use of color, the way he represented light in his work, and his hard work ethic.  I call this painting Light Struck due to the way Monet handled light in his work, but also because if you leave your beer too long unattended in the sun it will become less delicious.  Have fun, but put a beer cozy on your pint!  Cheers to the gold of the sun!  Here’s a green painting for St. Patricks day!

This original oil painting, and 52 limited-edition prints are available for sale at my Etsy shop RealArtIsBetter.

Thirsty Thursday Beer Painting #64 by Scott Clendaniel. March 17, 2016. Beer Parody of Claude Monet's The Water Lily Pond. 14"x11", oil on panel.

Thirsty Thursday Beer Painting #64 by Scott Clendaniel. March 17, 2016. Beer Parody of Claude Monet’s The Water Lily Pond. 14″x11″, oil on panel.