Year of Beer Paintings – Day 6

Today I have a Heineken beer painting for you.  This iconic macro brew has a negative connotation in the craft beer circle, but I remember drinking it before craft beer was as popular as it is today.  I associate Heineken with foreign travel adventures, as I spent four weeks in 2011 riding my bike around Holland.  It is also one of the two beers I could find when I lived in Athens, Greece for a semester in 2000 (Amstel was the other).  I had my share of Heinies there as I never could really get into the wine, because it is just too strong.  My good friend’s grandma always chose it as her favorite beer and I am sure I tasted a few before I was 21 years of age thanks to her preference.  So, I still love Heineken even if it is mainstream and lacks character.  Most people have a memory that the flavor of this brew brings to mind.  Remember to enjoy local beer too, as that is a good place for your money to go, instead of paying for shipping water more than halfway around the world!

THE ORIGINAL PAINTING SOLD. You can purchase a print at my Etsy Shop.

Year of Beer Paintings, 01.06, Heineken. Oil on panel, 8"x10".

Year of Beer Paintings, 01.06, Heineken. Oil on panel, 8″x10″.

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