Tag Archives: constitution art

Year of Beer Paintings – Day 176

I’ll Plead the 5th… the imperial stout from Dark Horse Brewing Company, that is.  This 11% beer should not be taken lightly; I have barley wines that have less booze in them.  I loved this one, so black, with dark, oily foam that quickly faded from my glass.  Looking into my glass felt like staring at a dark abyss of crude oil.  I think I even saw a rainbow floating in the top of the glass.  Charred chocolate and toasted malt make this beer roasty, yet mostly bitter and sour from the dark grains.  Hardly balanced, this beer will take your tongue to new heights, maybe to a place where you, well… plead the Fifth.

I painted the Constitution behind this Imperial Stout to remind us how great a Nation we have where we can “Plead the Fifth” in more ways than one!  I hope I only have to drink the beer and never get called in to court.

Cheers to Dark Horse Brewing! Drinking a beer from a place where I’ve never been makes me want to go there.  Thanks Patrick for sending me this bottle all the way from Michigan!

The original painting sold. You can purchase a limited-edition print, or order a custom beer painting at my Etsy shop.

View the complete Year of Beer Paintings gallery.

Beer painting of plead the 5th imperial stout by dark horse brewing year of beer paintings

Year of Beer 06.25. Plead the 5th Imperial Stout by Dark Horse Brewing Co. Oil on panel, 8″x10″.