Tag Archives: doppelbock painting

Year of Beer Paintings – Day 126

The Year of Beer progresses.  Every day I write about beer first thing in the morning, and then I go to my studio and paint a beer painting… or two.  What a weird job!  Today’s daily beer painting is of Troegenator Double Bock from those righteous bros at Tröegs Brewing Company.  This is by far the best-tasting doppelbock I have sampled this year.  May is doppelbock season, so every Spring I am reminded how much I like this style of beer.  Some breweries are non-traditional and release this as a winter warmer, and I can see why.  This brew is full-bodied, rich, and smooth, and has an overall complex character full of sweet spice.  No wonder it has traditionally been brewed at the end of spring when winter reserves were low, and was consumed during fasting periods.  This brew does an empty stomach good!

Way to be brewers at Tröegs!  I love this beer!  If only it was available in Alaska, I would drink it every spring!  Thanks, Rich, for sending me this one!

You can purchase this painting, or a limited-edition print at my Etsy shop.

View the complete Year of Beer Paintings gallery.

Beer painting of troegenator double bock by tröegs brewing year of beer paintings

Year of Beer 05.06. Troegenator Double Bock by Tröegs Brewing Co. Oil on panel, 8″x10″.